Does Sunscreen Cause Cancer?

Updated July 9 with additional resources

This article claims that wearing sunscreen and avoiding the sun causes cancer. It has exploded on the web today. What do I think? Well, the easy answer is to quote my friend Timna’s (Respect the Rays) response to it.

“Total Fucking Bullshit.”

I alsofind this spread of misinformation sickening. Since my diagnosis I’ve had lots of misinformation passed on to me. Much of the melanoma community is quick to respond “I tanned and have melanoma!” I understand this gut instinct. “Learn from our mistakes, we cry!” But, let’s talk strategy in examining and refuting articles like this. While personal stories are incredibly compelling, we need to be aware of fallacies in our arguments AND in the crap like this that is promoted online. I could name a number of friends who have melanoma and tanned. I am a person who didn’t tan and has melanoma. How do we draw a scientific conclusion based on this testimony?

I could also tell you I have friends who didn’t use car seats when children and they survived. Sure, but are the children who died in car accidents here to tell their stories? No. This isn’t a perfect example for melanoma and tanning but it shows the flawed logic that is sometimes used with personal experience arguments.

Instead, let’s see if we can refute this with a more methods based, scientific approach. Specifically for this article.

  1. First let’s check the source links at the bottom of the article. The source is here.   When we check the link, the article linked doesn’t cite the study. Merely mentions it with an affiliation. IF this is information found in a real study, why is the original study not mentioned?
  2. Is an unbiased source? No, clearly based on their URL, they are against conventional medicine, which means they most likely distrust the FDA which regulates sunscreens. This bias should be recognized, especially when claims to cite scientific studies. How do they trust some and not other studies? My guess is they are cherry picking their facts to support their claims.
  3. The actual study can be read here.  Good luck. In my reading, I was surprised to learn that the statistics related in the original article aren’t based on death from melanoma or skin cancer. It is based on all deaths without considering cause. The study also discusses vitamin d deficiencies in those living further from the equator (like in Sweden) and that this may play a role compared with high UV areas like Australia and the southern United States. Was this mentioned in the tabloid-like headline of the original article? Nope! All in all the study seemed fairly subjective. Survey based, threw out previous cancer cases, didn’t include risk factors for melanoma such as red hair in some of their statistics. Seem like fishy evidence on which to base a conclusion to you? Sure does to me.
  4. So does sunscreen cause cancer? This study doesn’t mention it. Lack of Vitamin D may contribute to mortality rates, but we can get vitamin d in safer forms than sunbathing and tanning beds.

I am planning on discussing more about how to discern claims about sunscreen and sun safety in future posts. Hopefully this information will be helpful in all areas of your life. I am not against holistic medicine.

I AM living 2 years beyond when I was expected to die because of evidence based medicine.

I will continue to be passionate about educating others to find good information and empower them to make the best decisions for themselves and their families! (This is my own personal testimony, biased based on experience, but meant to show my passion to educate others!)

For a fun video about fallacies in thinking and how our brain likes to trick EVERYONE into seeing patterns which aren’t really there, check this out!

“…maybe you can find some evidence that say’s you’re right, but you’ll have to ignore a whole lot more evidence that says you’re wrong. When we filter evidence to support that conclusion and ignore what disagrees, we are victims of confirmation bias.”
“And that’s why science was invented. A way to fight the human tendency of assuming that what we see is what’s true. Instead of starting with a conclusion, and filtering out all the data that doesn’t agree with it, science starts with an explanation and does everything possible to prove it wrong.”
“Science, above all else, requires a desire to disprove ourselves. It’s a sharp tool that we use to poke holes in our ideas, so we’re sure that they’ll float. And unless we do that on a regular basis, our princess will forever be in another castle.”

Update: Since I posted, other reputable sources have also released responses to the original article. Check them out if you want further information.

Who says compression garments can’t be cute?

Compression garmentsThis is a little louder than my normal footwear, but it was fun for a day spent at Dak’s pizza and games with three nine year old boys. We all ate pizza, and the boys celebrated Joey’s upcoming 10th birthday with Xbox gaming while I watched USA soccer heartbreak.
I am finding some fun ways to wear compression garments, although they are all HOT when it’s 108 degrees out!

Shoes: Pluggz (bought new at Twice as Nice- $12!) SO COMFY! (no, I don’t know why only one shoe has a seam.) I can’t find my pair online, but here is a cute similar version. Pluggz Women’s Iris Ballet Flat

Compression socks: Celeste Stein Therapeutic Compression Socks, Black Fountain, 15-20 mmhg, 1 Pair

*I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to In other words, if you click on these links and make a purchase, I will make a small percentage fee from that purchase. 

Trashy Novels and Redeeming Fiction

Today was an epic three novel day! My favorite kind of summer day. Definitely feeling the fatigue from my last infusion, so I gave myself a rest day and made the most of my time with my Kindle! The first two novels weren’t noteworthy (romance trash I’ll delete and try to forget.) But today I decided to tackle “The Fault in Our Stars” by John Green. I’d been quite nervous to read this book considering I try my very best to steer clear of pediatric cancer stories whenever possible. I experience an abundance of pain and sad stories because of the cancer communities I participate in and although I do follow and actively support the parents of a few pediatric melanoma patients, I do avoid intentional exposure to those stories. My mama/cancer patient/selfish heart just can’t deal.

I am so glad I risked reading “The Fault in Our Stars.” Although it is about pediatric cancer patients, I found myself relating to them as patients much more than with my mom heart. So much of the worldview and frustrations expressed by the characters in this story resonated with me. From facing a terminal diagnosis turned to cautious optimism due to new drugs, impatience with cliches but understanding that others are doing their best to comfort. Identifing with the fraternity of patients, despite differences in outcomes and diagnosis. And especially fear of hurting loved ones due to the diagnosis hit home. Even the frustration with those who attempt to lead support groups but are maddening in their probing. The annoyance at the warrior mantra and “winning” a battle when while we would like to claim credit for victory, much of this journey is beyond a patient or doctor’s control. And especially the frustration of the seeming randomness and unfairness of the disease and success of treatments. All struck a deep place in my heart and mirrored some of my own internal dialogue.

I was also surprised that I made it though the book with most of my emotional detachment intact. I shed a few tears as I read but more for myself and fellow patients than the characters in the book. Am I becoming scarred to the pain of this disease? Perhaps, but more likely I am too intimate with stories of friends who have suffered to die and suffered to live facing similar circumstances to these characters. It was those friends’ stories along with my own which brought tears as they echoed in the book.

I would certainly recommend the read to anyone. You might need some tissues handy as the characters are lovable and it is a book focused on pediatric cancer!

Blame the chemo-brain for my not recognizing this earlier, but I realized when I finished the book, John Green is the face of one of my favorite vlogs. You should check out his Youtube Channel Vlogbrothers! Once this connection clicked I wasn’t surprised at all that I loved the book!

Seven Easy Sun Safe Tips!

Beach photo

In September of 2009 when I was diagnosed with melanoma, Daniel and I met with a sun safety educator after my first doctor visit. I’ve lived in sun safety land for a long time, but this weekend when I was speaking with a group of girl scouts I was reminded that not everyone has the privilege of meeting personally with a sun safety educator. So, here is a quick reminder of the basics of sunscreen that I teach when I am asked to speak to groups.

  1. Make sure it’s labelled “broad-spectrum” and at minimum SPF 30
  2. Read the directions!
  3. Apply 15 minutes before sun exposure
  4. Use a lot, don’t miss a spot! Don’t forget the scalp, ears, neck and lips!
  5. Sprays- Spray until you see it, then rub it in
  6. Cover with clothing whenever possible! (Especially UPF clothing)
  7. Don’t forget broad rimmed hats and sunscreen 1397004_10152042693775809_602037830_o 1604832_10152287278270809_2077659736_n

Anti-pd1 cycle 17


Melanoma infusion

Technically I’m getting fluids here… but close enough!

Last Thursday (June 19th) I had dose 17, week 60 of the Merck MK-3475 trial drug. (AKA Pembrolizumab, formerly known as Lambrolizumab, anti-pd1, melanoma immuno-therapy, my miracle drug)

I had a CT scan and saw Dr. Cranmer last week for scan results, which looked fabulous. Everything continues to shrink! We spent most of the visit geeking out and comparing notes about ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncology) Annual Conference and the melanoma conference I’d attended in May. Nice to just chat about shared frustrations in the need for patients to see melanoma specialists and not being given treatments in an order that seems logical (at least to us….)

This appointment, since we knew things were looking good, Daniel stayed home with the kids while I went to my appointment alone. Labs look great! My LDH has dropped again! I am well within the normal zone for this tumor marker in blood.

LDH Levels on Anti-PD1

LDH Levels while on Anti-pd1 Trial. You can see when my immune system activated and a spike while on drug holiday.

I saw my nurse practitioner and the trial nurse coordinator. This was a quick visit since everything had been reviewed last week.

I headed upstairs for my liter of fluids and infusion. It was a quiet day in the research room. I did freeze sitting under an AC vent with the cold IV drip so I got my first heated blanket wrap in a while. Feels a little odd when it’s 103 degrees outside!

I went home and slept all afternoon which is unusual for me. Usually when I have fluids with treatment, I am not as wiped out. Perhaps the heat just wiped me out. Getting into a 130 degree car is probably enough to suck most of that liter of fluid right back out of me! The weekend was tolerable, although the post infusion thirst is insane. I also am fighting my usual rash and a slight headache. My one new symptom this month is dry eye and some slight redness since the infusion. It’s always an adventure, but SO worth it for amazing results!


Sunscreen Spray Dangers

sunscreen spray

Well, duh…

“You should never apply a product labeled as flammable while you are near a source of flame. In the five incidents reported to FDA, however, the burns occurred after the sunscreen spray had been applied. The ignition sources were varied and involved lighting a cigarette, standing too close to a lit citronella candle, approaching a grill, and in one case, doing some welding. These incidents suggest that there is a possibility of catching fire if you are near an open flame or a spark after spraying on a flammable sunscreen—even if you believe you have waited a sufficient time for the sunscreen to dry and your skin feels dry.”

Read the full FDA report here.

In the news this week…

“For sunscreen spray products, the agency requested additional data to establish effectiveness and to determine whether they present a safety concern if inhaled unintentionally.  These requests arose because sprays are applied differently from other sunscreen dosage forms, such as lotions and sticks.”

I’m not sure why this was  in the news cycle this week as the FDA inquiry was published in May 2012, but I addressed my concerns about sunscreen spray here. The FDA article is here.

Perhaps we should avoid these products? I have used sunscreen spray a few times in the past couple months and I feel flammable for hours afterward and can’t get the alcohol smell out of my nose! Yuck!

I do think the lotion forms of sunscreen spray seem to avoid most of these issues. And in ANY case, any sunscreen is better than none. Don’t forget to read the directions and wait 15 minutes after application to give the sunscreen time to work! It also helps to spray until you see your skin is wet, rub it in and then reapply and rub again! If you are taking the time to apply, take the time to make it work for you!

Everything But the Posts

My sweet friend and mentor, Becca!

My sweet friend and mentor, Becca!

I have been beyond blessed in my blogging journey to have been befriended (perhaps I just declared myself her friend? Shh… details aren’t important) by Becca Ludlum who documents her own life, tech love, and journey as a parent to tweens!

Becca is a mentor to me as a parent and a blogger. I especially admire and attempt to emulate her parenting approach of actively teaching her sons to use technology with supervision and parental guidance. Instead of shielding them until they are older as I am tempted to do!

Everything But the Posts by Becca Ludlum

Everything But the Posts by Becca Ludlum

Becca left her job as a Speech Language Pathologist to go pro as a blogger and freelance writer a little more than a year ago. She is so generous in mentoring other bloggers and decided to use her expertise to write a book, “Everything But the Posts: Tips, Advice, and Templates from a Blogger Who Has Been In Your Shoes.”

I wrote the following review on Amazon after tearing through this book in less than a day. Now I just need to go back and carry out Becca’s tips!

I’ve been dabbling in blogging and reading blogs for almost 10 years. I’ve only recently become serious about my own blogging journey. “Everything But the Posts” is the perfect springboard for the next step in my journey. Becca Ludlum’s book is perfect for a blogging newbie, dabbler, or experienced blogger looking into the next phase of for their blog. Becca has great advice on setting up your blog, improving SEO, and developing a readership and community in the social media world. She even walks you through the process of monetizing your blog and provides examples of how she did this herself! I had to refrain from highlighting almost every paragraph. The book is FULL of easy to read and implement advice and I look forward to making over my own blog with it in mind.

I am lucky enough to call Becca a friend and cheerleader/mentor in my own life and am so glad she took the time to share her wisdom and experience with the world. If you have or want to start a blog, don’t skip “Everything But the Posts!” 


Abby as a writer/blogger on career day. Note the book and pencil over her ear.

I bought this book because I couldn’t wait to read it, devoured it on Kindle and then after reading it, wanted a paper copy which Becca surprised me with in a gift of mailbox love. It arrived just in time for Abby to go to career day as a writer/blogger and take it as her prop. She’d just written her own post on my blog and was inspired!

Becca has also been an advocate for sun safety and melanoma awareness. She’s been a part of Team Mela-NO-MAS in the Tucson Melanoma Walk and shared my story on her blog in 2012. Check it out here!

Becca did not ask me to review her book here or on Amazon. I just love and wanted to share it!

Melanoma Blogger Summit… the Nitty Gritty

The beautiful GlaxoSmithKline building and people

Bloggers and GSK Staff at GSK Philadephia Headquarters

There has been interest expressed in some of the more specific information given at the GlaxoSmithKline Melanoma Blogger Summit. I will be the first to tell you, I have a horrible memory. I also missed much of a key component of the genetic testing portion of the presentation. This was the part I was most looking forward to, but I may have needed to run to the bathroom desperately at that moment and I may have gotten a little lost on the way there. The GSK employee who told me to turn right, then right again… well, he was NOT right.

SO, no guarantees that I will have the most eloquent synopsis nor the greatest grasp of what was presented, but with a little prayer and the notes GSK provided, I will do my best to pass on what we were told!

First, that this was more of a discussion format than a formal presentation of information about up and coming advances in the melanoma world. GSK genuinely wanted to hear from patients.

At one point in the discussion, they actually mentioned a clinical trial I failed out of back in 2010 (DERMA MAGE3) I got to look at one of their research leads and thank him in person for the rare opportunity to be in a trial as a stage 3 melanoma patient. That may have been the most poignant moment of the day for me, outside of meeting a few of my online support group friends “in real life.”

The bloggers

You can find info for the people who were involved in this meeting listed below in a PDF list and live links. Please note that Donna’s link within the PDF is incorrect. You can find her writing here!

Continue reading

Side effect notes with anti-pd1

This is probably only interesting for me and others beginning an anti-pd1 trial. I had dose 16, trial week 56 on May 22. I am on a 30 week extended cycle (due to brain side effects) of either 2 or 10 mg/kg of anti-pd1. The trial is blinded so I am not sure of the dose. I requested a liter of saline along with my dose as it seems to help me avoid the immediate fatigue. Thursday they infused the liter over 90 minutes half before and half after the 30 minute Anti-pd1 infusion. 90 minutes of fluids seemed a little more effective than the previous 60 minutes when I try to get out earlier. I don’t seem to absorb the fluids as well with the shorter infusion. I avoided fatigue and other side effects until the weekend. Sunday (3 days post infusion) the fatigue hit like a truck. On Friday (8 days post infusion) I finally found relief (at least partial, I’ve stayed busy and needed naps.) Today (Sunday June 1, 10 days post infusion) my neck rash has begun. Other contributions to the fatigue may have been travel just before treatment, the first week of summer break for my kids and my first massage on Thursday (7 days post infusion) which caused my typically tight muscles to be quite sore!

Itchy rash on neck

Anti-pd1 Rash 10 days post infusion