May is Skin Cancer Awareness month. The first Monday in May is set aside as Melanoma Monday. Melanoma is the most common cancer in 25-29 year olds. I was diagnosed when I was 29. Melanoma is deadly and the rates of Melanoma diagnosis are rising at an alarming rate. One phrase that is common in the Melanoma world is “Melanoma is not JUST skin cancer.” Melanoma is deadly because it grows within the body and spreads like wildfire. I have battled Melanoma on my skin, in my lymph nodes, in my lungs, and in my brain.
Tomorrow I will be wearing black along with my sweet family and many friends to raise awareness of this deadly cancer. I will be wearing black for me, but also for the 492 warriors and support people in my online support group. I am also wearing black in memory of Amy, Al, Jackie, Steve, Jen and Jillian. I would be honored if you would join me in shouting Mela-NO-mas! tomorrow by wearing black!
The American Academy of Dermatology decided to make wearing orange their rally cry for Melanoma Monday this year through their Spot Orange campaign. I am not sure of their reasoning behind the change from black, because the Melanoma ribbon is black, but I would be honored equally by anyone who wears orange or black tomorrow for the purpose of raising Melanoma awareness.
I would LOVE for you to join me in wearing black tomorrow! Danny created an image for me using the Jillian Hayes Foundation’s frame to share why you are wearing black. If you would like, I would be so honored if you would share this image with others!