Wonderfully Normal

I got the kids ready and delivered them to and from school today. It was wonderfully normal! Abby hid from me when I went to pick her up. She did NOT want to come home! This made me feel better about her going all day next week (T/TH). Joey will do great, but my baby I worried about. It will be especially nice that Joey and Abby will be together for lunch and the afternoon class. We are SO blessed with incredible teachers at their school. When I first got my diagnosis, I asked God why this couldn’t have waited until the kids were both in school all day so their daily schedules wouldn’t be so interrupted by my being sick. But, it’s become abundantly clear that the flexibility of Light the Way and most importantly, the love their teachers have for them and our whole family is going to be such a blessing to us as we walk this road. There is NOWHERE I’d rather my kid be than with their sweet teachers if they can’t be with me.

The kids are napping and I am spending naptime previewing an Authur I recorded to possibly show the kids. All this week, PBS is playing a special episode about cancer. Lance Armstrong “guest stars” in cartoon form in this episode. We haven’t told the kids that I have cancer. Just that I had a mole that could make me sick that the doctor cut off.  We still have some decisions to make about what we are going to tell them. I’d appreciate prayer for wisdom in that and peace for our sweet kids. Abby’s first words to me this morning when I woke her up and carried her to the living room were “Mommy, does your back feel better now?” So, they are definitely aware of how I’m doing.

Tomorrow is my lymph node dissection. It will be sometime in the afternoon. The kids are staying with my parents for a couple nights. I’m off to rest and call for my report time tomorrow!