I am currently on a plane heading to Philadelphia for a meeting being sponsored by Glaxosmithkline (GSK) for a group of melanoma bloggers and non profit representatives. We will be comparing notes on what methods of communication are best working for us, what we feel is needed and how GSK can help us spread awareness of melanoma. Also the hope in current treatments and trials as well as prevention.
One of the most exciting parts of this trip for me will be meeting some of the people who are in my online support group while we are all in Philly. I am so excited to meet Jen and Steve Martin from A Bump in the Road. Erin from Melanoma and the City will be there. T.J. Sharpe who writes a blog Patient One for Philly.com will be there as well as Rich McDonald from Hotel Melanoma.
We have some time planned for sightseeing as well. I am not the only one in our group who hasn’t been to Pennsylvania before.
For now, my flight has just left Tucson and is headed to Dallas. I was up too late and too early and am hoping to rest, although my super fancy germ mask (I swear, I should have sharpied “I’m on chemo on it not carrying some dangerous pathogen!”) and being right a super loud row behind the engines in a middle seat may keep me up this leg. Time to read my favorite magazine, Edible Baja Arizona!