I AM beginning my year of interferon treatment this Wednesday! I am ready to begin actively fighting! I’m also frightened about embarking on this journey in which I don’t know what to expect. My next blog post is going to be a list of side effects of interferon since they are different than with traditional chemotherapy. I’m hoping that my prayer warriors will be able to pray specifically against the side affects.
Monday I have an appointment at UMC for a pulmonary function test. The kids are going to hang out at work with Danny while I have that done. It’s supposed to be quick! Wednesday morning I have to be at UMC at 8am (EARLY for us!) to have my portacath installed*. That procedure will take up most of the morning. At noon, I am to report to The Cancer Center. At 1pm, I am scheduled for another baseline x-ray. Then at 2:30, I have my first Intron Alfa-2b Treatment. The treatment will take 2-3 hours, so we’ll head home around 5pm to see what fabulous side effects I’ll enjoy! (The first dose apparently is the worst and it usually gets better from there.) Thursday I have to be at The Cancer Center at 9am for my second treatment. My sweet friend Tina has agreed to drive me there so Danny can get our kids off to preschool. Friday is another interferon treatment, but I don’t know the time yet. The positive thing about having to be at The Cancer Center for 3 hours a day/ 5 days a week is I anticipate the time will go quickly!
Thanks to everyone who is praying for me and has taken the time to read all the details of my week. I know that typing this out helps me process everything. I read an incredible perspective of suffering and healing on Beth Moore’s LPM blog today. I am hoping to share this attitude of expectancy for the change God has to do in my heart and spirit. Not bad change, but His transforming work. As Beth said, I will NOT end this journey the same as I began it. “If I am[the same], I will have missed something huge. Something vital. Something life-changing between Jesus and me. And I do not plan to miss it for this world. It’s why He has me here. ” I’ve prayed that God would transform me to love like Him at ANY cost. I don’t plan to waste this experience.
Amen and amen!
*I will be considering myself part Borg from then until it’s removed. Resistance to my dorkiness is futile!