Looking For Light in a Dark Room | Cancer Knowledge Network.

Living with chronic advanced cancer is a tough path. I understand that others around me often don’t really understand that melanoma has no remission. It’s fatiguing to deal with as a patient, family and surrounding community. And thinking about living a long life post “lab rat” (clinical trial patient) is intimidating not knowing what long term health issues may surface.

Finding ways to support this population is imperative and one of the reasons I consider myself a patient advocate. It’s nice to see my own needs considered and reflected on by other patients.

Just kidding, but for reals

Yesterday at my appointment with the nurse practitioner, we were discussing some unusual side effects I’ve been having. My trial nurse looked up a list of side effects of one of my drugs. The list was extremely long and literally included these four side effect possibilities.
Weight loss
Weight gain

Of course these were not listed together so perhaps we wouldn’t notice? Tonight I prayed as I opened my pill bottle.

“God, please allow this bottle to bring euphoria and weight loss as the side effects. Just kidding. Sorta. But for reals. Amen.”

I’ll let you know what happens.
