A guest post by my sweet daughter, Abigail Bishop, age 7. I didn’t edit her writing. She refers to “mela-no-mas” because of our melanoma walk team name. We just don’t have the heart to correct her because it’s so stinking cute! I also love that I asked her to tell me “what it’s like when your mom has melanoma.” She came up with the term “my experience” all on her own!
My experience with having a mom with mela-no-mas is very scary because i think she will always have mela-no-mas. I really hope my mom stops having skin cancer. My mom has skin cancer because she had a mole that changed on here back. To avoid skin cancer you have to get skin checks once a year and if you see a mole that changed tell your doctor.

Art Abby made for me after the melanoma walk. Nov 2013
Beautiful words Abby! She’s a smart girl just like her mama and grandma!
Thank you! My Mom thinks my writing skills are awesome, too! -Abby
Abby what a beautiful young lady you are and so nice of you to write about your Mommy. Hugs sweet little one.
You are beautiful too! Hugs back Miss Carole! -Abby
Great job, Abby! I’m so proud of you for stepping up and educating people about melanoma and about your special Mom! Martha is dearly loved by us. Thank you!
Thank you for looking at my post on my Mom’s blog! -Abby
Great job Abby!
Thank you Aunt Amy! -Abby
Thanks Abby, for sharing your experience. Keep telling your story we are all better for listening. 🙂
Thank you Auntie Andrea, tell Anika, Toby and Bennett ‘hi’ from me! Love, Abby
Brought tears to my eyes! You have two amazing kids!!
Thanks for looking, Mrs. Beth! -Abby
Beautiful writing by a beautiful girl, inside and out! So proud of her.
Thank you! I’ll see you tomorrow! -Abby
(This comment got an ear to ear grin! She was SO excited!!!)
Great post Abby!
Nothing sweeter than a little girl who loves her Mom.